Sunday, August 9, 2009

In My Mailbox 9

The Kindling of GreenFyr is the story of Owen McInish, an awkward fourteen-year-old bullied at school and friendless except for his pet cat, Piper. That is until a snow leopard is chased through the woods behind his house by three huge gray dogs with glowing green eyes. Owen saves the leopard from her pursuers, but the animal escapes him as well, only to return later. The cat’s behavior is peculiar, nothing like a wild animal, making Owen even more curious as to its origin. Eventually, the cat allows Owen to pet her. Owen finds himself experiencing friendships as he has never before. Adventures as he has never imagined. And political intrigue as two worlds, long separated, begin to collide.
Verrry happy to find this in my mailbox :)
Technically I've also got Dead Girl Walking by Linda Joy Singleton but it's sitting in the library waiting to be picked up. I got a little side-tracked by house chores... but whatevs! I'll go grab it later today. Hope everyone got great books this week!


  1. Great book you got this week, I quite like the sound of this. Enjoy.

  2. I hope you like this one! I enjoyed it!

  3. Awesome! Dead Girl Walking sounds great :)


  4. Oo Like the sound of this one. Never heard of it before you though. I'm looking forward to what you think!

  5. Hope you enjoy it, I'm on the list and should get this one fairly soon too. I heard it's a long one though (somewhere around 500 pages).

  6. Hope you enjoy it. It is a bit long though.

  7. I just wanted to let you know that I have an award for you here

  8. Looks interesting! Hope you enjoy. Gah, I can't remember. What's Dead Girl Walking about?

  9. So, the first thing that popped into my head when I read your comment was, "smoosh" is such a cool word. Don't you think so? Especially when you say it out loud. I'm easily amused. xD

    Anyway, to be able to arrange pictures, when you bring the "upload image" window up, you can choose whether you want it to be on the left, right, or centered. Then, when you want to arrange them, all you have to do is click & drag the pic wherever you want. it. Hope you can figure it out!

  10. It wouldn't work? Hmm. Maybe I'm just really bad at explaining things. Have you asked anyone else? There has got to be a way. As for the paragraphs being close together, when you write your posts, go into the "Edit HTML" part, and try to put spaces in while you're in that section. That's what I have to do sometimes.

    You manage to put "smoosh" into a conversation everyday? Wow. That must take a lot of talent. :D

  11. Looks interesting I hope you enjoy it! Happy reading! There's an award for you at my blog
