Monday, January 7, 2013

Book Haul

Huh. I haven't done one of these kinds of posts in AGES. Mostly because my blogging has slowed to a lumbering crawl so I didn't want to mention books that I knew I wouldn't get around to reviewing. I'm going to try to be more present this year though I can't promise anything concrete. I certainly can't stick to schedueles and the fact that I'm starting my winter class tomorrow (*weeps at the loss of free time*) means that I'll be pressed for time anyways so... yeah. I'm taking things ultra-slow this year. I hope you fabulous readers don't mind. Anyway, I DID take a picture of my book haul but for some reason blogger won't let me upload it? Oh well. I'll settle for text, even if it's not as exciting.

I'm probably forgetting some books (tangible and electronic) from this list but these are the most immediate ones that come to mind. So here we go:

From the library:
Pushing the Limits by Katie McGarry (reading it right now and LOVING it so far)
My Life Next Door by Huntley Fitzpatrick
Anna Dressed in Blood by Kendare Blake

Won from giveaways (squee!):
Easy by Tammara Webber (I am SO excited that I won this one. Thanks LiLi!)
In a Fix by Linda Grimes

From the publishers (thank you!):
Scarlet by Marissa Meyer (also reading this's so good to read about Cinder again)
The Evolution of Mara Dyer by Michelle Hodkin
Level 2 by Lenore Appelhans (!)

I've already reviewed and lurved In a Fix thanks to NetGalley but then I ended up winning a paperback. It was fate, I tell you xD As for the rest on this list...I hope to review them soon. I can say with certainty that I'll be finishing Pushing the Limits soon and reviewing it (I have a feeling it'll be a gushy fangirly review). So there you have it. :)

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