Sunday, November 8, 2009

Stuff pertaining to my blog.

Ever since Krisi from The Story Siren mentioned that a concerned parent contacted her about a privacy policy, I thought about all the times I've left my contact information on tons of contests posts and never thought twice about it. It was one of those moments where I slapped my forehead thinking, "Idiot!"

So now I'm considering using forms for future contests...but I'd like to know what you all think. I personally love getting comments but I have to do what's best for my followers so I can ensure your privacy.  I promise you all that for whatever reasons (contests, ARC tours, etc) I don't keep/give out your physical addresses. After sending out a book to someone, I immediately delete the email containing the info. Although I'm uncertain about contest forms (I'm going to wait for your opinions, everybody!), I'm definetely following Kristi's footsteps and writing out a privacy/contest policy. I want my readers to feel safe here at Pirate Penguin's Reads :)

What else... oh yes. I haven't been doing any IMM posts because I've been restraining myself from buying/borrowing any books since I'm intent on trimming down my TBR pile (I'm down to one book!). In these past two (three?) weeks, I've only received one book in the mail: Food, Girls and Other Things I Can't Have by Allen Zadoff. I won it over at Princess Bookie's when she was having all those amazing contests (I entered at least fifteen of them...I knew I had to win AT LEAST one, lol).


  1. I was contacted by a parent as well. They really liked that I had a privacy policy, but wanted to know if I could do something more to keep information hidden. I had thought about using forms in the past, but had decided against it because like you I enjoy seeing comments. Anyways, this email kinda changed my mind. (That and seeing all the issues with spam.)

    I am kinda excited about the change since it will save me time since all responses are put into a spread sheet. Also you can set up alerts. This way if someone uses the form you still get sent an email about it. It is not exactly the same, but I think it will work. Plus you can customize them by choosing your own backgrounds. Right now, I can see a lot more positives with them than negatives. So at this moment, I would recommend you make the change :)

    BTW: the forms I am using are from Google Docs.

  2. I just entered a contest to win a custom made blog button at Tynga's Design Blog, and she had a form for entries. It threw me a little because I'd never seen one before, but it was cool. I think I'm gonna use it for future contests simply because it will make my life easier. I'd love to see more of them around the blogosphere because it was a lot easier to fill out than a comment that has to be in a certain format and include allll those extra intries.
    So my vote is YES. Use the forms for future contests. :)
    Now, if you'll excuse me, I gotta go read Kristi's post...

  3. I'm thinking of using forms for contests as well. I just need to figure out how. xD

  4. Yeah, I heard Googledocs was the way to go. I tried to set one up as a test, and it seemed pretty simple

  5. It was Sunday, is yours this week too?!
    Congrats on winning H,H! I love that book! Having the finished copy has gotten me excited over the series all over again; I love the premise (not to mention Patch *sizzle*). ^-^

  6. You've gotten an award over at my blog!

  7. You have an award over at BAM Book Reviews! Check it out!! :)


  8. Happy Birthday!:)

  9. Hey.... Happy B-Day.... Feliz Cumpleaños!!!! Have a great time ;) best wishes =)

  10. Happy Happy Birthday! Hope you're enjoying it :)
