Sunday, January 27, 2013


*happy dance*
I've already gushed enough but thanks to a friend, I'm back with blogger's commenting system! Though I had to lose all your lovely comments from Intense Debate, that's a small sacrifice I'm willing to pay... anyhoo, now that the comment system is working, I'll have a review up asap! Thanks everyone!

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Should've mentioned this sooner

Well I'm glad you all gave me feedback about the commenting system and I have decided to go back to blogger. A few of you have mentioned that my commenting system has disappeared entirely and I'm sorry for the confusion--I deleted my Intense Debate acount & now the only thing left for me to do now is get back the blogger commenting system. I apologize for not mentioning this sooner! I have to relook at my site's HTML and fix things...I hope to have things back to normal by the end of this week. Thanks for your patience.

Sunday, January 20, 2013

Commenting system

Hi everyone! So I have a quick question to ask you all:
How would you feel if I went back to blogger's commenting system? I originally installed the system I have now because I liked the threaded comments and it was easier for other people who didn't have blogger to leave a message but now that blogger HAS threaded comments....well, I was considering going back to it. Of course, I'd like to know what you guys think since you're the ones that leave comments. Would you mind? Yes? No? Not really, it's all the same to you? I'd appreciate some feedback if you have the time :)

Monday, January 7, 2013

Book Haul

Huh. I haven't done one of these kinds of posts in AGES. Mostly because my blogging has slowed to a lumbering crawl so I didn't want to mention books that I knew I wouldn't get around to reviewing. I'm going to try to be more present this year though I can't promise anything concrete. I certainly can't stick to schedueles and the fact that I'm starting my winter class tomorrow (*weeps at the loss of free time*) means that I'll be pressed for time anyways so... yeah. I'm taking things ultra-slow this year. I hope you fabulous readers don't mind. Anyway, I DID take a picture of my book haul but for some reason blogger won't let me upload it? Oh well. I'll settle for text, even if it's not as exciting.

I'm probably forgetting some books (tangible and electronic) from this list but these are the most immediate ones that come to mind. So here we go:

From the library:
Pushing the Limits by Katie McGarry (reading it right now and LOVING it so far)
My Life Next Door by Huntley Fitzpatrick
Anna Dressed in Blood by Kendare Blake

Won from giveaways (squee!):
Easy by Tammara Webber (I am SO excited that I won this one. Thanks LiLi!)
In a Fix by Linda Grimes

From the publishers (thank you!):
Scarlet by Marissa Meyer (also reading this's so good to read about Cinder again)
The Evolution of Mara Dyer by Michelle Hodkin
Level 2 by Lenore Appelhans (!)

I've already reviewed and lurved In a Fix thanks to NetGalley but then I ended up winning a paperback. It was fate, I tell you xD As for the rest on this list...I hope to review them soon. I can say with certainty that I'll be finishing Pushing the Limits soon and reviewing it (I have a feeling it'll be a gushy fangirly review). So there you have it. :)

Friday, January 4, 2013

The Dead and the Buried by Kim Harrington

Publisher: Scholastic Point
Release Date: January 1st, 2013
Source: NetGalley

Jade loves the house she's just moved into with her family. She doesn't even mind being the new girl at the high school: It's a fresh start, and there's that one guy with the dreamy blue eyes....But then things begin happening. Strange, otherworldly things. Jade's little brother claims to see a glimmering girl in his room. Jade's jewelry gets moved around, as if by an invisible hand. Kids at school whisper behind her back like they know something she doesn't.

Soon, Jade must face an impossible fact: that her perfect house is haunted. Haunted by a ghost who's seeking not just vengeance, but the truth. The ghost of a girl who ruled Jade's school — until her untimely death last year. It's up to Jade to put the pieces together before her own life is at stake. As Jade investigates the mystery, she discovers that her new friends in town have more than a few deep, dark secrets. But is one of them a murderer?

Review: I had such high hopes for this novel, especially after having really enjoyed Harrington's debut from two years ago. Clarity showcased Harrington's flair for realistic, well-formed characters and witty dialogue as well as a great talent for messing with her readers when it comes to mysteries. Like, I thought I knew who was responsible for the crime but nope, the author totally pulled the rug out from under my feet! So when I heard about The Dead and Buried and that it would combine all of Harrington's talents within a ghost story, I was SO excited. But alas, I finished The Dead and Buried and wondered what happened to the author who originally ensnared me with her awesome writing.

What really leaped out at me was the writing in the story: it felt very middle-grade and it nagged at me since I knew TDaB is labeled as YA. But if it were just this detail affecting the story, I wouldn't be so disappointed. Almost all of the characters, including our protagonist Jade, felt flat. And when I can't muster up the energy to even like the main character, that's not a good sign. The only character that I found appealing was Kayla, the mean girl of the school. She was ruthless and calculating in every aspect of her life and she's no different in death. I will say this: Harrington can write a compelling mean girl. So on the Kayla front, I was more than satisfied. I wish I could say the same for everything else though.

Final Verdict: Sad to say it but I was not happy with this one; I was expecting to get a chilling YA read that centered on a murder mystery and The Dead and the Buried unfortunately did not deliver. The murder mystery was easy to figure out once you click the pieces into place early on (and if you're careful, you'll figure out who the culprit is very quickly) and the supernatural aspect of the story was only mildly uncomfortable (and not even creepy). Sigh. If you want to try any of Harrington's books, I strongly suggest to go with Clarity first; I'm not sure what happened here but... this wasn't the author who thrilled me the first time around.

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Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Outpost by Ann Aguirre

                                                      Release Date: September 4th, 2012
                                                      Publisher: Feiwel & Friends
                                                      Source: Publisher

Deuce’s whole world has changed. Down below, she was considered an adult. Now, topside in a town called Salvation, she’s a brat in need of training in the eyes of the townsfolk. She doesn’t fit in with the other girls: Deuce only knows how to fight.

To make matters worse, her Hunter partner, Fade, keeps Deuce at a distance. Her feelings for Fade haven’t changed, but he seems not to want her around anymore. Confused and lonely, she starts looking for a way out.

Deuce signs up to serve in the summer patrols—those who make sure the planters can work the fields without danger. It should be routine, but things have been changing on the surface, just as they did below ground. The Freaks have grown smarter. They’re watching. Waiting. Planning. The monsters don’t intend to let Salvation survive, and it may take a girl like Deuce to turn back the tide.

Review: Though different in tone and scope from its predecessor, Outpost shows that Ann Aguirre hasn't lost her touch. In fact, she's only gotten better!

What struck me almost instantly was how different Deuce's situation is in comparison to where we first meet her in Enclave. No longer having to constantly fight off hordes of Freaks at every turn, Deuce and the rest of her gang can finally put down their weapons and have a chance to simply be. But the peace doesn't last long.  Now that she's in Salvation, Deuce struggles to adapt to what's considered "normal" topside and must contend with the scrutiny of the town. I thought this was a good twist to Deuce's journey: she's not in any immediate physical danger but now she has to navigate a territory she's completely unfamiliar with: people. Deuce is a hunter through and through and sees things in black and white; any problem she's had she's always dealt with by whipping out her blades and literally attacking it but she can't do that with the people of Salvation.

I like that Outpost is more about Deuce opening herself up to the idea that she can be more than just a Huntress. The Freaks, Fade, and everything else are still important factors in the overall story but I like that Aguirre had her main character become more susceptible to the human condition. Fade helped her by giving her a glimpse of what life could be in Enclave, of course, but Deuce's time and experiences with her friends and foster family in Salvation broadened her horizen to an entirely different level. The same thing goes for Stalker, another character that's similar in personality to Deuce. He's definetely more likeable this time around and I suspect this is intentional on the author's part. I hope Stalker gets his happily-ever-after because he definetely deserves it.

And Fade. Sigh. Things get so sweet and then Aguirre had to go and make things terribly grim again. Way to wring my heart out, miss author.  Things were complicated enough and now they're inside out all over again T-T Along with the suspense and danger that's almost like a heartbeat in this series, Fade and Deuce's relationship is another facet of this story that undergoes change time and time again. It's not always pretty but oh so well done. The feels, I tell you.

Final Verdict: Outpost is very different from the first book but in an important way. It's good that Outpost was more about Deuce exploring and reflecting about her own humanity; she finally sees herself and a future where she can step outside of her identity as a Huntress and just be Deuce, the girl. As for Ann Aguirre's writing abilities, there's no doubt that she's on her game. I can't wait for the final book and YAY it's already 2013 so my wait is a little less.

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